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What are these warning for cross-site cookie in my console?

I'm using python 3.7.4, django 3.06, javascript and jquery on windows 7.

I'm not sure when it happens but now my console (F12 on firefox) gives me these warning:

Cookie “PGADMIN_KEY” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “” because the scheme does not match. list-name
Cookie “PGADMIN_LANGUAGE” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “” because the scheme does not match. list-name
Cookie “PGADMIN_KEY” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “” because the scheme does not match. list-name
Cookie “PGADMIN_LANGUAGE” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “” because the scheme does not match. list-name
Cookie “PGADMIN_KEY” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “” because the scheme does not match. common.js
Cookie “PGADMIN_LANGUAGE” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “” because the scheme does not match. common.js
Cookie “PGADMIN_KEY” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “” because the scheme does not match. lists.js
Cookie “PGADMIN_LANGUAGE” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “” because the scheme does not match. lists.js
Cookie “PGADMIN_KEY” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “” because the scheme does not match. jsi18n
Cookie “PGADMIN_LANGUAGE” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “” because the scheme does not match. jsi18n
Cookie “PGADMIN_KEY” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “” because the scheme does not match. favicon.png
Cookie “PGADMIN_LANGUAGE” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “” because the scheme does not match. favicon.png

​I was testing my code, I made some change to it but nothing related to cookies or admin and my site has a very limited use for cookies. PGADMIN_KEY and PGADMIN_LANGUAGE look like django admin cookies and I haven't touched them. jsi18n is the traslation module for django: not my code, I took it like it was.

I haven't done upgrades in these days.

I don't know what code you can need to help me.

I use this in my template (I see jquery.cookie is not more updated but even js.cookie.min.js gives the same problem):

<script type='text/javascript' src=' '></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src="{% static '/js/common.js' %}"></script>
<link rel='icon' type='image/png' href="{% static 'icons/favicon.png' %}">

also this for cookies:

var csrftoken = $.cookie('csrftoken');
function csrfSafeMethod(method) {
    // these HTTP methods do not require CSRF protection
    return (/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/.test(method));
    beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) {
        if (!csrfSafeMethod(settings.type) && !this.crossDomain) {
            xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRFToken', csrftoken);


  • The warnings, like said in a deleted comment, should come from the new policy about cookies. The cookies comes from pgAdmin, included in PostgreSQL.

    I solved upgrading to the last version of pgAdmin AND deleting the cookies stored in the cache.