I'm Trying to connect to Bigquery from Microsoft Excel.
I Followed the steps described in the following link : https://bigquery-connector.appspot.com/
As asked, I've downloaded the connector (IQY file) and entered the 3 following parameters in excel : project ID, SQL query and unique key.
Next Steps consist in opening the IQY file and pointing to cells that contains the 3 parameters.
But once i point to the unique key parameter, it returns the following error :
Error Message > Parameter type is not correct. Microsoft excel needs a different type of parameter from what is given.
It`s been working with no problem with the previous key. But as the previous one was expired, i had to generate a new one from the same link above.
Any help is welcomed. i`m available to give more details.
Thank you
I was having this problem, just used this ODBC driver: Link to Driver
With these instructions: Link to youtube video
Instructions at google aren't very clear. But you will need to also Check: Link to by Google Instructions
After configuring the ODBC driver with your service or user access, configure Excel with google instructions, and even without a query you will be able to use powerquery to explore and query your datasets: Process end