I need a method that gives me all the properties of an object (recursively). It is not known how many sub-objects the transferred object has.
Example object:
$Car = [PSCustomObject] @{
Tire = [PSCustomObject] @{
Color = "Black"
Count = 4
SteeringWheel = [PSCustomObject]@{
Color = "Blue"
Buttons = 15
Thank you so much!
Use the hidden psobject
member set to enumerate the properties, then recurse:
function Resolve-Properties
process {
foreach($prop in $InputObject.psobject.Properties){
Name = $prop.Name
Value = $prop.Value
Resolve-Properties $prop.Value
Output (with your sample object hierarchy):
PS C:\> Resolve-Properties $Car
Name Value
---- -----
Tire @{Color=Black; Count=4}
Color Black
Length 5
Count 4
SteeringWheel @{Color=Blue; Buttons=15}
Color Blue
Length 4
Buttons 15
Be careful, the function shown above makes no effort to protect against infinitely looping recursive references, so:
$a = [pscustomobject]@{b = [pscustomobject]@{a = $null}}
$a.b.a = $a
Resolve-Properties $a
Will send your CPU spinning