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Is there a way to add a something like a value change listener on specific field in binder?

I need to add a reaction in my interface on changes in TextField and ComboBox.

Binder is a convinient way for handling data binding in Vaadin.

I can't use on textField.addValueChangeListener(...) as it is called before new value is set in binded model.

Is there a way to add a something like a value change listener on specific field in binder?

I can use binder.addValueChangeListener() but it is fired on every bound field changes and I can't easily tell them apart.

Ideally, it would be something like that:

    .bind(Person::getName, Person::setName)
    .addValueChangeListener(...); // nonexistent functional


  • The answer to the question whether there is a way to add a value change listener to a single Binding itself is no there is not. I agree this could be a cool and useful addition to the Flow API. Please go ahead and write an issue in their github

    However, as you noticed yourself, there is the method Binder::addValueChangeListener, and there is a way to tell them apart. The accepted eventListener has a way to get the HasValue (a.k.a. bound input field) that fired the change event. it also has access to both the old and the new value.

    TextField tf = new TextField();
    ComboBox cb = new ComboBox();
    // todo: binding of fields
    binder.addValueChangeListener(valueChangeListener -> {
            // tf value changed
        } else if(valueChangeListener.getHasValue().equals(cb)) {
            // cb value changed