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React - How do i persist a page url after refresh?

In my react app, i have stored the respective page names in the local storage depending on the clicked page name i.e for a route say http://localhost:3000/Products i have stored the name Products in the localstorage whenever i click on the page Products.

I want whenever i have a page refresh, instead of being redirected to the home page /, my page persists on the page i was by confirming with the value in my localstorage.

My way does not work.

<NavLink to="/localStorage.getItem("selectedItem")" style={{ textDecoration: "none" }}>
       onClick={() => this.onItemClicked("Products")}
       active={localStorage.getItem("selectedItem") === "Products"}

From the above code, i want the page to direct me to http://localhost:3000/Products since the value of localStorage.getItem("selectedItem") is Products


  • You need to get value from LocalStorage but you are using plain string. Should be like this:

    const AppNaVLink = () => {
        const link = `/${localStorage.getItem("selectedItem") ?? ''}`
        return (
            <NavLink to={link} style={{ textDecoration: "none" }}>
                    onClick={() => this.onItemClicked("Products")}
                    active={localStorage.getItem("selectedItem") === "Products"}