In this program, I have to use the concept of polymorphism,
I have 1 abstract superclass named Data, and 2 subclasses named List and Single. Single accepts a double value(Constructor: public Single(value)). List accepts an array of doubles.( Constructor: List(double[] arr)), and in my main method, the following array,...
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object[] mixedData = {
new Single(2.4),
"The data is 3.6",
new List(new double[] {3.2,6.8}),
"Nothing here at all",
new List(new double[] {1.2,7.9,4.5}),
"Anda 1 anda 2 anda 3",
new Single(9.8) };
I have to convert this Object[] array into Data[] array using a method:
public static Data[] convert(Object[] objects){
final int MAX_LIST_SIZE = 10;
//***** YOUR CODE HERE *****
objects= new Object[MAX_LIST_SIZE];
Data[] data= new Data[MAX_LIST_SIZE];
data = (Data[]) objects;
for(int i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
return null; //Dummy statement - replace it
In this method,
1)we have to make sure that both arrays are of same length.
2)Use shallow copy
3)If there is a String(if it contains a number), then change it to List object, containing all the numbers that can be found(as separate tokens) in the String. Use a Scanner to scan the String for numbers. Non-numbers should be ignored.
My Only doubt is that, in mixedData array, how can I find if it contains a String.
hope someone will answer.
I added some comments to your code to guide you through the solution.
public static Data[] convert(Object[] objects){
// If the objects array contains more than 10 elements what to do?
// final int MAX_LIST_SIZE = 10;
// Here you clear the content of the input objects, why?
//objects= new Object[MAX_LIST_SIZE];
// Set the length of data to the length of the input object array
Data[] data= new Data[objects.length];
// This cannot be done
// data = (Data[]) objects;
for(int i=0; i<objects.length; i++) {
if(objects[i] instanceof Single) {
data[i] = (Single) objects[i];
}else if(objects[i] instanceof List) {
data[i] = (List) objects[i];
}else if(objects[i] instanceof String) {
String string = (String) objects[i];
// Find all doubles with Scanner
// Add the doubles to a List
// Add the List to data[i]
return data;