I try to create a simple program in which I want to create vector of future arguments. I created a wrapper function which is used to submit lambda functions and stores internally in a vector the future objects
I use an intermediate step in which I create an initiliazer_list using variadic arguments . But fails to compile. I try to use to call a function in order to push the elements in the vector and fails to compile as well
Below is the code
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
#include <functional>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <chrono>
#include <initializer_list>
using namespace std;
using FunctPtr = function<int(int, int) >;
using FutureInt = future<int>;
using AsyncVector = vector<FutureInt>;
AsyncVector asyncVec;
template<typename... TemplatePtr>
void submit(TemplatePtr... pFunc)
auto initList {pFunc... };
for (auto & element : initList)
asyncVec.emplace_back(async(launch::async, element,4,5));
int main()
int a;
int b;
auto addPtr = [](int x, int y)->int
std::cout << "add :" << x + y << std::endl;
return x + y;
auto multPtr = [](int x, int y)->int
std::cout << "mult :" << x * y << std::endl;
return x * y;
// submit(add,4,5);
submit(addPtr, multPtr);
for (auto & v : asyncVec)
std::cout << "Wait for " << v.get() << std::endl;
Yes, they are of different types so cannot be in the same init-list easily.
Your best options should probably be:
in the same fold-expression.template<typename... TemplatePtr>
void submit(TemplatePtr... pFunc)
(asyncVec.emplace_back(async(launch::async, std::move(pFunc), 4, 5)), ...);
.template<typename... TemplatePtr>
void submit(TemplatePtr... pFunc)
for (auto &&element: {std::function<int(int, int)>(std::move(pFunc))...})
asyncVec.emplace_back(async(launch::async, std::move(element), 4, 5));
(I have specified function signature explicitly though compiler should be able to deduce it.)
:using SameType = int (*)(int, int);
submit(static_cast<SameType>(addPtr), static_cast<SameType>(mulPtr));
This way your original submit
should work as is.