I am working on a legacy app and its in Ant build. Now we are moving it from Ant to Maven which requires dependency config of jar files in pom.xml. There are some 60 jars for which I need to generate this info. I have tried below 2 methods for getting jar versions:
This has worked for most of jars, but there are some 25 jars for which none of above methods are working.
Checksum is generated for all but for these remaining jars, checksum doesn't give anything on [https://search.maven.org/][1]
And for some, no version detail is there in manifest file.
Please let me know how to proceed with this, I am stuck here now. I don't know what can work here for such jars.
Even if I find no details for some jars, what can be way to still include them in my pom file - is there a way or not? If not, can I simply keep them as jars only instead configuring in pom?
If you really want to update the project, I would take these 25 jars and look in MavenCentral if there any version of them.
So if you just find junit.jar
in your directory, add a reasonably new version of junit.
Of course, this might break things that need to be repaired, but in going forward, it is better to rely on official, new artifacts.
If this is not possible for some artifacts, add them to your company Nexus/Artifactory if you have one.