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Can't successfully call any external shell script in pipe with set -eo pipefail

Suppose the following batch:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eo pipefail
./ | head -n1 >/dev/null
echo "Might work with pipefail"
for i in {1..100} ; do
    ./ | head -n1 >/dev/null
echo "Stable work with pipefail"

With contents:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo 'head (GNU coreutils) 8.30'
echo 'GNU bash, version 5.0.16(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)'
exit 0

Expected results of ./

Might work with pipefail
Stable work with pipefail

Actual behaviour:

Might work with pipefail

or (at random) with no output.

Writer program in pipe never fails if I'm using any binary utility instead of, but it always doesn't work (cause pipefail-script to exit) if writer is shell script (for example, ldd from glibc binary package). Replacing execution (./ in with sourcing (. leads to increased probability of successful execution, i.e. sometimes I'm getting

Stable work with pipefail

in output.

head always returns success in such pipes. Removing second echo in leads to successfull execution with both sourcing and execution in separate shell.


  • Let's reduce the problem down to the basics. Consider:

    $ (set -o pipefail; cat /dev/zero | head -c10; declare -p PIPESTATUS)
    declare -a PIPESTATUS=([0]="141" [1]="0")

    What happens is that, when head has had its fill, it finishes, closing the pipe. The preceding command, cat in this case, gets a SIGPIPE (13) signal. Consequently, it sets its exit code to 128+13=141 to indicate failure.

    So, the issue is whether the first process is still running when the second process, head, finishes. Sometimes, your is faster than head and sometimes it is slower.

    Since we are multitasking two processes, the timing will always be variable.

    Sourcing vs executing

    Replacing execution (./ in with sourcing (. leads to increased probability of successful execution

    Sourcing eliminates the need to initialize a new shell which likely leads to faster execution and therefore greater likelihood of finishing before head.

    Binary programs

    Writer program in pipe never fails if I'm using any binary utility instead of

    My cat example above shows the opposite. That is because the cat /dev/zero program will never finish, thus ensuring that it will eventually receive the SIGPIPE.