I'm struggling with meteor typescript and mdg:ValidatedMethod
I used the @types from This Repo for mdg:ValidatedMethod
Let's assume this meteor code without the ValidateMethod:
const addLink = Meteor.methods({
'links.add'({ title,url }) {
new SimpleSchema({
title: { type: String },
url: {type: String}
}).validate({ title,url });
if (!this.userId) {
//throw an error!
createdAt: new Date(),
Here all works as supposed, no error on if (this.userId) {
However, when i now change to the ValidatedMethod, typescript can't find this.userId
const addLink = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'links.add',
validate: new SimpleSchema({
title: { type: String },
url: {type: String}
run({title,url}) {
if (!this.userId) { //Here typescript can't find this.userId
//throw an error!
createdAt: new Date(),
I checked the type from the first example and added the this
-ref the run method in the @type-definition, which means i changed line 17 from
run: (args: { [key: string]: any; }) => void;
run: (this: Meteor.MethodThisType, args: { [key: string]: any; }) => void;
I seems to work now, however as I'm pretty new to the typescript world, i was wondering, if this is the right way to do?!
TypeScript lets you define the type of this
like so:
function f(this: ThisType) {}
See here for more info: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/functions.html
In this specific case you could add
this: Meteor.MethodThisType
to the run
method signature in the index.d.ts:
run: (this: Meteor.MethodThisType, args: { [key: string]: any; }) => void;
It's not totally complete as ValidatedMethod defines a couple extra parameters (eg. this.name
) but you can add those if you need them.