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Bullet-Hell Tool (Unity C#) - Rotate Half-Circle of Objects / Projectiles Towards Directional Vector2

Greetings. I am working on c# script for a 'bullet-hell' tool in Unity and I have gotten stuck trying to produce a crescent / half-circle of objects - that turns toward the traveling direction. The scripts spawn a perfect half-circle every time and keep the objects there, no matter object-amount. No problem there, the circle is however never turned towards the right direction.

What I am trying to achieve is for the half-circle to point towards the travel-direction of the centerObject. This travel direction is described via a Vector2 between (1,1) and (-1,-1). How can I use this vector to turn the half-circle in the direction of travel?

Four Moving half-circle, moving away from spawn point.
There are multiple instances of InitializeOrbit, each responsible for its own half-circle and with a corresponding move direction Vector2.

In the first script, the 'theta' is first calculated, whereafter the objects are spawned.

public void InitializeOrbit()
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfOrbits; i++)
         float theta = (1 * Mathf.PI / numberOfOrbits) * i;
         Instantiate(OrbitPrefab, orbitLocation, transform.rotation);

And in the second, the theta is used to calculate the position of the individual objects.

public void OrbitSource ()
    Vector2 offset = new Vector2(Mathf.Sin(theta) * orbitRadius, Mathf.Cos(theta) * orbitRadius);
    transform.position = (Vector2)centerTransform.position + offset;

I hope I have provided proper information, thanks in advance. I have tried reading How to place spheres in a half circle shape between 2 points - But have sadly not been able to use this information correctly to attain my desired result.


  • I managed to write a solution myself. A lot of information has been found in this Stack Overflow question, which was a great help. Here's the script:

    public void InitializeOrbitProjectiles()
            Vector3 posA = new Vector3(projectile.direction.y, -projectile.direction.x) + transform.position * projectile.orbitRadius;
            Vector3 posB = new Vector3(-projectile.direction.y, projectile.direction.x) + transform.position * projectile.orbitRadius;
            var centerDirection = Quaternion.LookRotation((posB - posA).normalized);
            float directionAngle = Angle(projectile.direction);
            for (int i = 0; i < projectile.numberOfOrbits; i++)
                float angle = (projectile.orbitCircle * Mathf.PI / projectile.numberOfOrbits) * i;
                float x = Mathf.Sin(angle) * projectile.orbitRadius;
                float z = Mathf.Cos(angle) * projectile.orbitRadius;
                Vector3 pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                Debug.Log("directionAngle " + directionAngle);
                if ((directionAngle >= 0 && directionAngle < 90) || (directionAngle >= 271 && directionAngle < 360))
                    pos = new Vector3(0, x, z);
                else if (directionAngle >= 90 && directionAngle < 91)
                    pos = new Vector3(x, 0, z);
                else if (directionAngle >= 91 && directionAngle < 270)
                    pos = new Vector3(0, -x, z);
                else if (directionAngle >= 270 && directionAngle < 271)
                    pos = new Vector3(-x, 0, z);
                pos = centerDirection * pos;
                Instantiate(projectileOrbitPrefab, transform.position + pos, transform.rotation);

    And the orbitSource script:

    public void OrbitSource()
            transform.position = centerTransform.position + pos;