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Stuck in infinite loop while trying to find nth root of x

    double power(double base, int exponent){
        //Just for context, a double is larger than a long long int
        //Also method programmed to assume non-decimal, non-negative input for root
        double answer = base;
        if(exponent == 0){
            return 1.0;
        else if(exponent > 0){
            for(int i=1; i<exponent; i++){
            return answer;
        else{//if exponent is negative
            for(int i=1; i<exponent*(-1); i++){
            return 1/answer;
    double newtonRaphsonRoot(double base, int root){//FOR FIDING ROOTS OF CONSTANT #s
        if(base == 1){
            return 1.0;
        //Formula: x1 = x0 - f(x0)/f'(x0)
        //Also method programmed to assume non-negative integer input for root
        double epsilon=0.01;//accuracy
        double answer = base;//answer starts off as initial guess and becomes better approximated each iteration
        if(base > 1){
        while( answer - ( power(answer,root) - base)/(root*power(answer,root-1) ) > epsilon){
        //Formula: x1 = x0 - f(x0)/f'(x0). Continue formula until error is less than epsilon
            answer = answer - ( power(answer,root) - base)/(root*power(answer,root-1) );
            std::cout<<"Approximation: answer = "<< answer <<"\n";
        return answer;

  • There is a mathematical algorithm for calculating the nth root of a number x, known as the Newton-Raphson method for approximating roots. I tried to program this algorithm. Long story short it seems I'm getting the right answer but Problem 1: I'm stuck in the while and I don't know why Problem 2: The accuracy was supposed to be determined by variable epsilon, but answer always comes out to 5 places after decimal.*


  • One problem is that to check for epsilon the code should be

    while (fabs(error) > epsilon) {
        ... improve ...

    you are instead checking the next approximation against epsilon (also without fabs).

    The other problem is that output stream uses a fixed number of decimals when printing floating point values, if you want to increase that you need to look for std::setprecision (or just use printf("%.18g\n", x); that is what I personally prefer to do).