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Uncaught (in promise) Error: Number of splits must evenly divide the axis


  1. Context
  2. The problem
  3. What did I try to fix this bug?
  4. How to reproduce this bug (+ required data)?
  5. My questions
  6. Sources


I would want to generate a new sequence of notes of a MIDI file thanks to MusicRNN chord_pitches_improv.

The problem

My call to music_rnn.continueSequence triggers the following error:

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Number of splits must evenly divide the axis. at C (music:22) at split_ (music:22) at Module.split (music:22) at t.sampleRnn (music:83) at music:83 at music:22 at t.scopedRun (music:22) at t.tidy (music:22) at Module.$e (music:22) at t. (music:83)

What did I try to fix this bug?

Nothing because I don't even understand the error. Note: I have MuseScore. So If something must be changed in the MIDI file, I can do it.

How to reproduce this bug (+ required data)?

  1. Download the following MIDI file: and rename it "b.mid"

  2. Create a directory in which you store the MIDI file

  3. In this same directory, create a file titled index.html: copy/paste in this HTML file the code provided below (section "Sources")

  4. Open your browser and open this HTML file: my script will automatically be executed, and the error will be triggered.

My questions

What does this error mean? How could I fix it? Should I change something in the MIDI file (if yes: what? How? Can I use MuseScore to do it?)?


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    loadMidi = async function() {
        const sequence = {'notes': []}
        const midi = await Midi.fromUrl("b.mid")
        midi.tracks.forEach(track => {
          const notes = track.notes
          notes.forEach(note => {
            if(note.midi < 48) {
                note.midi = 48
            if(note.midi > 83) {
                note.midi = 83

                    pitch: note.midi,
                    velocity: note.velocity * 100,
                    startTime: note.time,
                    endTime: note.time + note.duration

         try {
            const quantizedSequence = mm.sequences.quantizeNoteSequence(sequence, 1)
            const improvCheckpoint = ''
            const music_rnn = new mm.MusicRNN(improvCheckpoint)
            const prepareMusic = async() => {
                await music_rnn.initialize()
                var improvisedMelody = await music_rnn.continueSequence(quantizedSequence, 60, 1.1, ['Bm', 'Bbm', 'Gb7', 'F7', 'Ab', 'Ab7', 'G7', 'Gb7', 'F7', 'Bb7', 'Eb7', 'AM7'])
                improvisedMelody.notes.forEach(n => n.velocity = 100)
                var midi_bytes_array = mm.sequenceProtoToMidi(improvisedMelody)
                saveByteArray("generated_music.midi", midi_bytes_array);


          } catch (error) {


     function saveByteArray(reportName, byte) {
            var blob = new Blob([byte], {type: "audio/midi"});
            var link = document.createElement('a');
            link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
            var fileName = reportName;
   = fileName;



  • I got same error when I was trying to quantize my note sequence which was already in quantized format. It is worthy to check your note sequence format.