and build gets failed for setter method. it is reported by spotbugs. How to fix this please help as not getting solution.
Below is the class MySuperServiceConfig.
public class MySuperServiceConfig {
private String username;
private String password;
private List<String> schemadata;
public String getUsername() {
return username;
public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
public List<String> getSchemadata() {
return schemadata;
public void setSchemadata(List<String> schemadata) {
this.schemadata = schemadata;
Below is the log
[INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (default) @ aif-handler ---
[INFO] BugInstance size is 3
[INFO] Error size is 0
[INFO] Total bugs: 3
[ERROR] Method com.test.service.fileparser.MySuperServiceConfig.setPassword(String) of Singleton class writes to a field in an unsynchronized manner [com.amex.scs.aif.service.fileparser.MySuperServiceConfig] At MySuperServiceConfig.java:[line 29] USFW_UNSYNCHRONIZED_SINGLETON_FIELD_WRITES
[ERROR] Method com.test.service.fileparser.MySuperServiceConfig.setSchemadata(List) of Singleton class writes to a field in an unsynchronized manner [com.amex.scs.aif.service.fileparser.MySuperServiceConfig] At MySuperServiceConfig.java:[line 37] USFW_UNSYNCHRONIZED_SINGLETON_FIELD_WRITES
[ERROR] Method com.test.service.fileparser.MySuperServiceConfig.setUsername(String) of Singleton class writes to a field in an unsynchronized manner [com.amex.scs.aif.service.fileparser.MySuperServiceConfig] At MySuperServiceConfig.java:[line 21] USFW_UNSYNCHRONIZED_SINGLETON_FIELD_WRITES
The spotbug documentation has some information on this error
This method writes to a field of this class. Since this class is seen as a Singleton this can produce race conditions, or cause non-visible changes to other threads, because the field isn't accessed synchronously.
As the Configuration Property class is marked with Component annotation, Spotbug would know that this is a Singleton Bean. The Configuration bean is not autowiring any of the fields - username / password / schemaData, but it has a getter and setter methods. So, it is appearing like these instance properties of the bean or dependancies could be changed multiple times by the code. In such a scenario, there could be race conditions as the methods are not synchronized. Hence, the fix should be to remove this Component annotation as this is a Configuration Property mapper class.
To have this autowired, you can -