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build failed Error: java: USFW_UNSYNCHRONIZED_SINGLETON_FIELD_WRITES how to fix spot bug reported issue

I am facing Error: java: USFW_UNSYNCHRONIZED_SINGLETON_FIELD_WRITES and build gets failed for setter method. it is reported by spotbugs. How to fix this please help as not getting solution. Below is the class MySuperServiceConfig.

public class MySuperServiceConfig {
  private String username;
  private String password;
  private List<String> schemadata;

  public String getUsername() {
    return username;

  public void setUsername(String username) {
    this.username = username;

  public String getPassword() {
    return password;

  public void setPassword(String password) {
    this.password = password;

  public List<String> getSchemadata() {
    return schemadata;

  public void setSchemadata(List<String> schemadata) {
    this.schemadata = schemadata;

Below is the log

[INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (default) @ aif-handler ---
[INFO] BugInstance size is 3
[INFO] Error size is 0
[INFO] Total bugs: 3
[ERROR] Method com.test.service.fileparser.MySuperServiceConfig.setPassword(String) of Singleton class writes to a field in an unsynchronized manner [] At[line 29] USFW_UNSYNCHRONIZED_SINGLETON_FIELD_WRITES
[ERROR] Method com.test.service.fileparser.MySuperServiceConfig.setSchemadata(List) of Singleton class writes to a field in an unsynchronized manner [] At[line 37] USFW_UNSYNCHRONIZED_SINGLETON_FIELD_WRITES
[ERROR] Method com.test.service.fileparser.MySuperServiceConfig.setUsername(String) of Singleton class writes to a field in an unsynchronized manner [] At[line 21] USFW_UNSYNCHRONIZED_SINGLETON_FIELD_WRITES


  • The spotbug documentation has some information on this error


    This method writes to a field of this class. Since this class is seen as a Singleton this can produce race conditions, or cause non-visible changes to other threads, because the field isn't accessed synchronously.

    As the Configuration Property class is marked with Component annotation, Spotbug would know that this is a Singleton Bean. The Configuration bean is not autowiring any of the fields - username / password / schemaData, but it has a getter and setter methods. So, it is appearing like these instance properties of the bean or dependancies could be changed multiple times by the code. In such a scenario, there could be race conditions as the methods are not synchronized. Hence, the fix should be to remove this Component annotation as this is a Configuration Property mapper class.

    To have this autowired, you can -

    1. use @EnableConfigurationProperties(MySuperServiceConfig.class) on SpringBootApplication class or another Configuration class
    2. Mark this as a @Configuration class