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Difference between @Autowired final setter and non-final setter in spring


    abstract class CommonService {

        protected VipMapper vipMapper;

        public final void setVipMapper(VipMapper vipMapper) {
            this.vipMapper = vipMapper;

    public class BookService extends CommonService {

        public int find() {
            return vipMapper.findVip(); // return 100

    class BookServiceTest {

        private BookService bookService;

        void find() {

            VipMapper v = new VipMapper() {
                public int findVip() { // This method will not execute
                    return 10;

            int find = bookService.find(); // find = 100 (not 10)

1. What is the reason I cannot inject VipMapper when setVipMapper method is final and I can inject when setVipMapper method is not final?

2. How can I inject VipMapper in runtime but still use @Autowired final setter?


I'm using Spring + Mybatis

Source code:

Using the above code, when run that test for findVipCustomerTop3, I get an error connection. But when to remove final in (or @Transactional in, the test is success


    • You issue is not with autowiring. VipMapper get autowired correctly and you are trying to replace the mapper manually via bookService.setVipMapper(v); in your test. It does not replace the vipMapper you passed. To Check this behaviour, define a getter in your service to get the vipMapper and it will return the original vipMapper which was autowired by spring.

    • Just remember you are not working with an instance of your original BookService class, you are working with a sub class of BookService which is run time generated .

    • Your original question missed an important piece of info which is @Transactional annotation in your service. As soon as @Transactional annotation is there, Spring actually need to create a proxy. Now spring will choose JDK dynamic proxy or CGLIB proxy to create the proxy for your book service. Since your Service does not have an interface, JDK dynamic proxy choice is not possible so spring is left with CGLIB proxy.

    • CGLIB proxy has its limitations.

      With CGLIB, final methods cannot be advised, as they cannot be overridden in runtime-generated subclasses

    • Here is technique if you want to actually replace it. Add the following in your test class instead of the line bookService.setVipMapper(v);

    • The above option is doing it hardcore way but good for understanding the concept. There is another option telling spring to create BookService in your test with a mock vipMapper autowired when it creates BookService.
         class BookServiceTest {
            private BookService bookService;
            private VipMapper vipMapper;
            void find() {
                int find = bookService.find();
