To consume a rest service, this is the service response
"message": "200",
"result": "SUCCESS",
"Test_Id": "23324"
Code to consume the service.
ResponseEntity<InfoDto> result = null;
final String uri ="";
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>("parameters", headers);
result =, HttpMethod.GET, entity, InfoDto.class);
This is the dto
public class InfoDto implements Serializable {
private String message;
private String result;
private String Test_Id;
Once this is executed
I had received the values of message and result, but Test_Id value is not mapped.
If there is an issue with parameter name's code convention, add JsonProperty with exact match
private String Test_Id; // prefer rename to testId
There's probably an underscore to camel-case conversion