so i have a socket io app, i need to emit json but have no idea how to insert variable into json object
this the example from :
socket.emit("plainString", "\"this is a plain string\"");
socket.emit("jsonObject", "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}");
and this is my code :
char* variable = "this is a string";
socket.emit("jsonObject", "{\"foo\":\"variable\"}");
result in socket io
expected result :
"foo":"this is a string"
I found the answer:
void SendSocket(String socketname,String foo,String bar){
String Data = "{\"_foo\":\"" + foo + "\",\"_bar\":\"" + bar + "\"}";
socket.emit(socketname.c_str(), Data.c_str());
And here is how to use it
SendSocket("jsonObject","this is foo","this is bar");
And this is the code to catch the event from Arduino (in server):
socket.on("jsonObject",function data(){
The result will be:
_foo:"this is foo",
_bar:"this is bar"