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Laravel AbstractVariables.php line 54 Expected name to be a string

I am using Laravel 6 with visual studio code. The last successfully command i run is given below with their out put.

php artisan config:clear
Configuration cache cleared!

But after that, whatever command i do execute it gives me an error

In AbstractVariables.php line 54:
Expected name to be a string.

I have tried to execute given below commands, but all of these ends up with above mentioned error.

composer update
php artisan serve
php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan route:clear

I have tried to find out file named "AbstractVariables.php" and i did find it in given below directory


I have tried to read what is code is given on line 54 of file named "AbstractVariables.php"

public function get($name){
    if (!is_string($name)) {
       throw new InvalidArgumentException('Expected name to be a string.');
    return $this->getInternal($name);

And the comments above this function is...

* Get an environment variable.    
* @param string $name    
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return string|null

So, it means it is searching environment variable some where and it is not able to find string there.

.env file in my profile has all variables name. Now, I am not able to understand what else is missing, I have done a lot of search on google but didn't find any thing in this regard.


  • This problem occurred when I configured spatie/laravel-analytics to fetch google analytics data to display in admin panel of website. In order to make it functional it was required to add 'view_id' => env('ANALYTICS_VIEW_ID') in config/analytics.php file.

    What mistake was done?

    In config/analytics.php file I added view id without single quote mark which was wrong. Example is given below....

    'view_id' => 123456789,

    After that whenever I hit follow commands i get error

    php artisan config:clear
    php artisan cache:clear

    Error is given below...

    In AbstractVariables.php line 54:
    Expected name to be a string.

    How I solved issue?

    I have updated config/analytics.php as per documentation and changed it like given below...

    'view_id' => env('ANALYTICS_VIEW_ID')

    And in .env file added environment variable ANALYTICS_VIEW_ID


    After that both commands php artisan config:clearand php artisan cache:clear worked perfectly.