I want to sort a nested collection property dynamically based on the query parameter sort.
Suppose i have an entity A as
class A{
private Set<B> bset;
class B{
private LocalDate datefield;
private C c;
class C
private Double quantity;
I am calling repository of A with findAll(Specification specification,Pageable page)
From UI, rest controller is called with sort param as below pattern
As it is a nested collection,the above sort is not working. The sortable fields are datefield,quantity.
I know @OrderBy("bset.datefield") will work,but the parameter should be dynamic.
How can i achieve this when invoking find All on A repository ?
It cannot be done because when the entityManager is initialized the annotations are evaluated.
The best options are, create a query that comes ordered or once the list is obtained if you use Java 8 from now on, order with the sort method of stream.