I have a swiper slider that I activate ONLY on mobile in a click event. I take an invisible div, and append children inside the container and run swiper.update()
The code looks like this:
// Mobile image carousel
if($(window).width() < 800 && ($(".product-image-thumbs .product-image-thumbnail").length > 1 || $(".product-video-mobile").length)) {
var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
direction: "horizontal",
pagination: {
el: '.swiper-pagination',
clickable: true,
bulletActiveClass: 'active'
// variant selections
var swatchClickCount = 0;
$(".swatch-variant").click(function(e) {
swatchClickCount ++;
var activeColor = $(this).data('variant-image-color');
var colorForText = $(this).data('variant-color');
// remove images to append the new ones
$(".product-image-thumbs .swiper-wrapper").children("img.product-image-thumbnail.swiper-slide").remove()
// iterate over each div
$("#product-image-srcs div").each(function() {
var activeImage = $(this).attr("data-pdp-thumb-src").toUpperCase().includes(activeColor);
if (activeImage) {
if ($(window).width() < 800) {
$(".product-image-thumbs .swiper-wrapper").append(
'<img class="product-image-thumbnail swiper-slide' +
'" src=' + $(this).attr("data-pdp-main-src") +
'" data-standard-size-src=' + $(this).attr("data-pdp-main-src") +
'" data-zoom-src=' + $(this).attr("data-pdp-zoom-src") + '>'
let mobileVidSlide = document.querySelector(".product-video--mobile");
if (mobileVidSlide) {
} else {
$(".product-image-thumbs .swiper-wrapper").prepend(
'<img class="product-image-thumbnail swiper-slide' +
'" src=' + $(this).attr("data-pdp-main-src") +
'" data-standard-size-src=' + $(this).attr("data-pdp-main-src") +
'" data-zoom-src=' + $(this).attr("data-pdp-zoom-src") + '>'
var selectedImage = $(".product-image-thumbnail").last().attr("data-standard-size-src");
var selectedZoomImage = $(".product-image-thumbnail").last().attr("data-zoom-src");
$(".product-image-thumb").attr('src', selectedImage);
$(".product-image-thumb").attr('data-zoom-src', selectedZoomImage);
if ($(window).width() < 800) {
// console.log("MOBILE ACTIONS")
$("#variant-videos-mobile div").each(function() {
var activeVariant = $(".selected-color").data("variant-color")
var selectedVideoVariant = $(this).data("selected-video-color").includes(activeVariant);
if (!selectedVideoVariant) {
} else {
$(".product-video--mobile .product-video").attr("src", $(".active-video").data("mobile-video-variant"));
$(".product-video--mobile .product-video")[0].play();
} else {
$("#variant-videos div").each(function() {
var activeVariant = $(".selected-color").data("variant-color")
var selectedVideoVariant = $(this).data("selected-video-color").includes(activeVariant);
if (!selectedVideoVariant) {
} else {
if(!$(".selected-size").hasClass("sold-out")) {
$("#product-add-to-cart").text("ADD TO CART");
} else {
$("#product-add-to-cart").text("NOTIFY ME");
// Mobile image carousel
if($(window).width() < 800 && ($(".product-image-thumbs .product-image-thumbnail").length > 1 || $(".product-video-mobile").length)) {
The output of all of this is:
My swiper wrapper:
But my pagination is only 4...
I do my swiper.update()
under everything...I tried swiper.updateSlides()
but that made all slides appear?
I'm lost here - howcome the dots don't update?
For anyone who's struggling with this, it looks like swiper has a bad time with dynamic slides with looping. Setting loop: false
seems to work
var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
autoplay: false,
cache: false,
direction: "horizontal",
loop: false,
pagination: {
el: '.swiper-pagination',
clickable: true,
bulletActiveClass: 'active'