We're using the Maven JavaDoc Plugin to generate javadocs for our projects.
When generating the JavaDoc for some methods, the alignment is completely off. For example this
@GetMapping(value = "/api/manyToOnes/{tablePlural}/{id}", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public Map<String, String> getManyToOnes(@PathVariable String tablePlural, @PathVariable Integer id)
produces this (spaces preserved, please don't edit them out):
public Map<String,String> getManyToOnes(@PathVariable
String tablePlural,
Integer id)
As you can see, it's just really annoying to read and I would prefer if it lined up, or at least if there wasn't a huge gap in the middle.
I can't work out exactly what it's struggling with, but it seems to be related to the annotations. Other methods which do not use annotations are fine.
I checked the config to see if there was anything related to alignment but I didn't see anything.
I am already using the latest version, would downgrading to a previous version help? I'm reluctant to manually iterate through them, especially when there's no guarantee it ever worked.
I checked the issue tracker, there doesn't seem to be anything matching what I'm seeing. If no one can help here then I'll raise a bug there. I don't recall seeing this in any other project's JavaDocs, so I'm inclined to think it's my problem rather than theirs.
Upon investigating this, I learned that it is not the plugin which generates the HTML at all, but rather it delegates this to a tool provided by the JDK, jdk/bin/javadoc.exe
After learning this, I tried building with JDK 9 rather than 8 and the output was much better.
public Map<String,String> getManyToOnes(@PathVariable
String tablePlural,
Integer id)
I looked at Oracle's bug tracker for fixVersion = 9 which led me to the bug: JDK-8062647
FWIW I learned that the output is different from both of these in Java 12, so it seems it's going through changes quite often.