I am trying to transform a table to a csv file then download it, but I faced an issue while using Blob to download the csv document. The code snippet I am using to download the csv file is:
var elem = window.document.createElement('a');
elem.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
elem.download = filename;
The issue is that the csv file is not downloading with the name I am assigning to the file. It uses a randomly generated name and with no extension. example of the file name after being downloaded: 43af43ac-7491-44ed-a779-a6c8f1972b1a.
I was able to fix this by removing the append() remove() functions. Consequently, I have two questions:
1- Why the issue is happening, and what is the best solution?
2- Why to append elem to the body of the HTML? And why the code worked after removing it?
1- Why the issue is happening
That's a bug, that I couldn't reproduce on any browsers on macOS.
, and what is the best solution?
The best solution is to let know your browser's vendor that they have a bug, then you can try to add a delay before calling document.body.removeChild(elem);
, so that the (async) download can actually begin before you mess with the element.
One common practice is to wait a fair amount of time before doing this, which is also a good place to revoke the blob:// URL you did create, failing to do so will keep the Blob's data from being collected by the GC, causing a true memory leak once you remove your element and loose any track of the URL.
So that would give something like
setTimeout( () => {
}, 1e4); // 10s should be enough in most cases
2- Why to append elem to the body of the HTML?
Because it used to be required in some browsers (Firefox < 70).
And why the code worked after removing it?
That, only the ones that will try to fix your browser's bug will be able to tell you.