I'm processing quite a bit of data but for some reason the page reloads before the post and puts can all be processed. There are about 2k records I need to either update or create, but when the process starts it handles a good chunk but then reloads the page... I know it has something to do with how I'm handling the Promises and my async/awaits. Can someone provide some insight into what I'm doing wrong here?
// This is called via a button click
const submitData = async () => {
await updateRecords(existData)
await createRecords(newData)
await setCompleteStatus(true) // I think this might be part of the issue. How do I trigger this after the two previous async function complete?
// updates records
const updateRecords = async (data) => {
const location = dataSet === 'hfc' ? 'measurements' : 'metrics'
const recordLength = data.length
// If the object exists, update it via API
if (recordLength > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < recordLength; i += 100) {
const requests = data.slice(i, i + 100).map((row) => {
return puts({ row, location })
.catch(e => console.log(`Error updating record: ${row} - ${e}`))
// creates records
const createRecords = async (data) => {
const location = dataSet === 'hfc' ? 'measurements' : 'metrics'
const recordLength = data.length
// If the object exists, update it via API
if (recordLength > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < recordLength; i += 100) {
const requests = data.slice(i, i + 100).map((row) => {
return posts({ row, location })
.catch(e => console.log(`Error creating record: ${row} - ${e}`))
// api put request
const puts = async ({ row, location }) => {
const endpoint = `/api/${location}/record/${row.id}/`
await axios.put(endpoint, row)
// api post request
const posts = async ({ row, location }) => {
const endpoint = `/api/${location}/create`
await axios.post(endpoint, row)
// I'd like for the page to be redirected after all records have been processed
if (completeStatus) {
window.location.href = '/portal/'
You need to resolve array of promises, as map function return promise.
const updateRecords = async(data) => {
const location = dataSet === 'hfc' ? 'measurements' : 'metrics'
const recordLength = data.length
// If the object exists, update it via API
if (recordLength > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < recordLength; i += 100) {
const requests = await data.slice(i, i + 100).map((row) => { //Added await here
return puts({
.catch(e => console.log(`Error updating record: ${row} - ${e}`))
await Promise.all(requests); // Use this to await all the promises
// creates records
const createRecords = async(data) => {
const location = dataSet === 'hfc' ? 'measurements' : 'metrics'
const recordLength = data.length
// If the object exists, update it via API
if (recordLength > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < recordLength; i += 100) {
const requests = await data.slice(i, i + 100).map((row) => { //added await here
return posts({
.catch(e => console.log(`Error creating record: ${row} - ${e}`))
await Promise.all(requests); // Use this to await all the promises