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Ionic 5 Angular 9 project doesn't play the functions but does alert from external Javascript Files

Hello i have an Ionic 5 Angular 9 project. I want to call external javascript files. The files are being called as wanted because i put an alert and it shows the alert as wanted but it doesn't call the jquery functions


 "scripts": [


function(){var parsers=[],widgets=[];this.defaults= {cssHeader:"header",cssAsc:"headerSortUp",cssDesc:"headerSortDown",cssChildRow:"expand-child",sortInitialOrder:"asc",sortMultiSortKey:"shiftKey",sortForce:null,sortAppend:null,sortLocaleCompare:true,textExtraction:"simple",parsers:{},widgets:[],widgetZebra:{css:["even","odd"]},headers:{},widthFixed:false,cancelSelection:true,sortList:[],headerList:[],dateFormat:"us",decimal:'/\.|\,/g',onRenderHeader:null,selectorHeaders:'thead th',debug:false};function benchmark(s,d).....


  • You can easily call javascript files by adding it in index.html file.

    <script src="/js/sortable.js"></script>

    If you want to use your javascript file in ts files

    1- Add these exports in test.js file

    export { nodes, edges, container, data, options, network };

    2- then import it in ts file

    import "/js/sortable";

    If you want to use jquery elements inside ngOnInit you have to cast it to any.

    if (($('#container-mix') as any).length) {
      ($('#container-mix') as any).mixItUp({
        animation: {
          duration: 400,
          effects: 'fade translateZ(-360px) stagger(34ms)',
          easing: 'ease',