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How to make PrimeNg VirtualScroller responsive height?

I have a primeng VirtualScroller and it has a property scrollHeight that fixes some height. I've tried to set 100% at value but it doesn't accept. Also tried to add style or class to component to set height 100% but does not work aswell. How can I make the height have same height of the browser window?

<p-virtualScroller [value]="lazyCars" scrollHeight="40em" [itemSize]="150" [rows]="50" [cache]="false"
                   [lazy]="true" (onLazyLoad)="loadCarsLazy($event)" [totalRecords]="totalLazyCarsLength">
  <ng-template let-car pTemplate="item" let-i="index">
    <div class="ui-g car-item mt-1">
      <div class="ui-g-12 ui-md-2">
        <div class="ui-g-12 ui-md-12" style="font-size: 11px; text-align: center; padding-top: 18px">{{ generateDate() | date: 'dd/MM/yyyy' }}</div>
        <div class="ui-g-12 ui-md-12" style="font-size: 24px; text-align: center; padding-top: 18px">{{ generateDate() | date: 'HH:mm:ss' }}</div>
      <div class="ui-g-12 ui-md-2" style="display: flex">
        <img class="rounded-image" src="../../assets/images/profileplaceholder.jpg" width="115" height="100" />
        <!--<i style="font-size: 5rem; align-self: center;" class="pi pi-users mx-auto"></i>-->
      <div class="arrow-left"></div>
      <div class="ui-g-12 ui-md-5 chat-window">
        <div class="ui-g">
          <div class="ui-g-10 ui-sm-6">Autor: {{car?.autor}}</div>
          <h2 class="ui-g-10 ui-sm-6 ml-2">Evento: {{car?.evento}}</h2>
  <ng-template let-car pTemplate="loadingItem">
    <div class="ui-g car-item empty-car-item">
      <div class="ui-g-12 ui-md-2">
        <div class="empty-car-item-index"></div>
      <div class="ui-g-12 ui-md-2">
        <div class="empty-car-item-image"></div>
      <div class="ui-g-12 ui-md-8">
        <div class="ui-g">
          <div class="ui-g-12"><div class="empty-car-item-text"></div></div>
          <div class="ui-g-12"><div class="empty-car-item-text"></div></div>
          <div class="ui-g-12"><div class="empty-car-item-text"></div></div>
          <div class="ui-g-12"><div class="empty-car-item-text"></div></div>


  • This can be done using nested flexboxes. I've explained how those work with Angular in a different question. Applying that solution to this problem involves applying the equivalent of the flexbox-middle class to each element that composes the virtual scrolling area:

    /deep/ .ui-virtualscroller, 
    /deep/ .ui-virtualscroller-content, 
    /deep/ .ui-virtualscroller-list, 
    /deep/ cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport {
      display        : flex;
      flex           : 1;
      flex-direction : column;

    With that styling, the scrollHeight attribute of the p-virtualScroller element should no longer be set as the component will flex to the height of the parent element:

    <p-virtualScroller [itemSize]="50" [value]="items">
      <ng-template pTemplate="item" let-obj>
        {{ }}

    The full code and a demo of the working result is available here.