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SQLDeveloper: Insert if not exists

I have found several posts on how to do an insert if the record doesn't exist but I don't know why I can't get it to work. I always get an error message.

In SQLDeveloper, I just want to run the following query:

INSERT INTO TABLE_A VALUES(1, 'userX', 'x', 'y', 'z')

If there are no record for userX already, that is if the following select statement doesn't return anything:

SELECT * FROM TABLE_A where user = 'userX'

Thank you


  • One option is to use MERGE. Here's an example. Sample table first:

    SQL> create table table_a
      2    (id       number,
      3     username varchar2(10),
      4     col      varchar2(1)
      5    );
    Table created.

    Let's see how it works:

    SQL> merge into table_a a
      2    using (select 1       id,
      3                  'userX' username,
      4                  'x'     col
      5           from dual
      6          ) x
      7    on ( =
      8  when not matched then insert (id, username, col)
      9    values (, x.username, x.col);
    1 row merged.
    SQL> select * From table_a;
            ID USERNAME   C
    ---------- ---------- -
             1 userX      x

    OK, userX has been inserted. What happens if I try to insert it once again?

    SQL> merge into table_a a
      2    using (select 1       id,
      3                  'userX' username,
      4                  'x'     col
      5           from dual
      6          ) x
      7    on ( =
      8  when not matched then insert (id, username, col)
      9    values (, x.username, x.col);
    0 rows merged.                                      --> nothing happened
    SQL> select * from table_a;
            ID USERNAME   C
    ---------- ---------- -
             1 userX      x

    Nothing happened; 0 rows merged.

    What happens if I try with userY?

    SQL> merge into table_a a
      2    using (select 2       id,
      3                  'userY' username,                  --> userY is here
      4                  'y'     col
      5           from dual
      6          ) x
      7    on ( =
      8  when not matched then insert (id, username, col)
      9    values (, x.username, x.col);
    1 row merged.                                           --> 1 row merged
    SQL> select * from table_a;
            ID USERNAME   C
    ---------- ---------- -
             1 userX      x
             2 userY      y

    The result shows that both userX and userY are now in the table.