Following previous post the this code works and does the job but I am conscious this is about as DRY as the Pacific on a wet day.
I's be grateful for any suggestions that will make it more efficient.
$( "#cvl_mb_services .content-switch" ).each(function(index, el) {
var parent = $(el).parent().parent().attr("id");
var inputValue = $('#' + parent + ' input[type=radio]:checked').val();
var targetBox = '#' + parent + ' .cvl-' + inputValue + '-fields';
$('#cvl_mb_services .content-switch').on('click', 'input[type="radio"]', function(){
var parent = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().attr("id");
var inputValue = $(this).closest('input[type="radio"]').attr("value");
var targetBox = '#' + parent + ' .cvl-' + inputValue + '-fields';
if (inputValue == 'content') {
$('#' + parent + ' .cvl-content-fields').removeClass('cvl-hide');
$('#' + parent + ' .cvl-header-fields').addClass('cvl-hide');
$('#' + parent + ' .cvl-footer-fields').addClass('cvl-hide');
} else if (inputValue == 'header') {
$('#' + parent + ' .cvl-content-fields').addClass('cvl-hide');
$('#' + parent + ' .cvl-header-fields').removeClass('cvl-hide');
$('#' + parent + ' .cvl-footer-fields').addClass('cvl-hide');
} else if (inputValue == 'footer') {
$('#' + parent + ' .cvl-content-fields').addClass('cvl-hide');
$('#' + parent + ' .cvl-header-fields').addClass('cvl-hide');
$('#' + parent + ' .cvl-footer-fields').removeClass('cvl-hide');
Several points to make it more DRY:
keyword, and separate the items with commas. Ex. var asdf = 1, sdfg = '', dfgh = true;
action only once. See
Instead make a variable. Many JavaScript minifiers won't touch strings, so you'll end up with this duplication making your overall file larger than it needs to be.$('#cvl_mb_services .content-switch')
and even for stuff like $(this)
which is duplicated.