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Entity with existing table spring data jpa

I have a existing table with 6 columns. Can I create entity with custom columns (only 2)? I want to use this entity in a read-only mode.


create table ES_USER_GROUPS
  group_id NUMBER(9) not null,
  alias    VARCHAR2(200) not null,
  name_es  VARCHAR2(200 CHAR) not null,
  name_lat  VARCHAR2(200 CHAR),
  name_en  VARCHAR2(200 CHAR),
  state    VARCHAR2(1) not null


@Table(name = "es_user_groups")
public class UserGroup {
    private Integer groupId;
    private String alias;


  • Yes you can. But you should set the columns read-only.

    @Table(name = "es_user_groups")
    public class UserGroup {
        @Id @Column(insertable=false, updateable=false)
        private Integer groupId;
        @Column(insertable=false, updateable=false)
        private String alias;