i have been writing unicode based program with libav and i wanna make some file through libav with filename "中.mp4".
this filename is not english, and when i call, function return positive integer(not fail).
but there is "ѱ۰.mp4" instead of "中.mp4". (invalid file name.)
what's the matter?
char * szFilenameA = 0;
#ifdef _UNICODE
CSHArray<char> aFilenameBuffer;
aFilenameBuffer.Alloc(lstrlen(szFileName) * 2);
ZeroMemory(aFilenameBuffer, aFilenameBuffer.GetSize());
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szFileName, lstrlen(szFileName), aFilenameBuffer, aFilenameBuffer.GetSize(), NULL, NULL);
szFilenameA = aFilenameBuffer;
szFilenameA = (TCHAR *)szFileName;
_snprintf(m_pOutputFormatCtx->filename, strlen(szFilenameA), "%s", szFilenameA);
avio_open(&m_pOutputFormatCtx->pb, szFilenameA, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE)
finally! it's because of charset.
convert ansi filename to UTF8 and then it works fine.
int ANSIToUTF8(char *pszCode, char *UTF8code)
WCHAR Unicode[100]={0,};
char utf8[100]={0,};
// read char Lenth
int nUnicodeSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszCode, strlen(pszCode), Unicode, sizeof(Unicode));
// read UTF-8 Lenth
int nUTF8codeSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, Unicode, nUnicodeSize, UTF8code, sizeof(Unicode), NULL, NULL);
// convert to UTF-8
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, nUTF8codeSize, Unicode, sizeof(Unicode));
return nUTF8codeSize;