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owlcarousel Permission denied to access property "apply"

i'm using owlcarousel, version 2.3.4, jquery v 3.3.1, on C# Razor pages. My carousel is initialized with this function:

   items: 4, 
   nav: true, 
   dots: false, 
   loop: true,

On Chrome(v84.0.4147.89) it works well but on Firefox 68.10.0esr I caught this error on page resize: Permission denied to access property "apply"

trigger owl.carousel.js:1571

onResize owl.carousel.js:713

i jQuery

Can someone help me to understand where is the error?




    This error is related, in my case, to Firefox PX Viewport Dimensions Plugin; when I have deactivated the plugin the error disappeared. If someother catch this error, try to deactivate all your installated Plugin to find whitch cause.