Is it possible to create a user extendable visitor pattern in C#? (preferably .net 3.5)
I have a set of classes in a library that I wish to add functionality to with the visitor pattern. The problem is that it is also possible for the user of the library to create their own classes. This means that you need to create a special visitor that will accept the new class types but our Accept methods are setup to receive the base type. How can I get the derived classes to call the right method in the derived visitor.
Or is there another way of doing 'if this type, do this"?
Some example code:
/* In library */
namespace VisitorPattern.System
interface IThing
void Accept(SystemVisitor visitor);
void ThingMethodA(...);
void ThingMethodB(...);
class SystemThingA : IThing
public void Accept(SystemVisitor visitor) { visitor.Visit(this); }
class SystemThingB : IThing
public void Accept(SystemVisitor visitor) { visitor.Visit(this); }
class SystemThingC : IThing
public void Accept(SystemVisitor visitor) { visitor.Visit(this); }
class SystemVisitor
public SystemVisitor(object specialSystemServices) { }
public virtual void Visit(SystemThingA thing) { Console.WriteLine("SystemThingA"); }
public virtual void Visit(SystemThingB thing) { Console.WriteLine("SystemThingB"); }
public virtual void Visit(SystemThingC thing) { Console.WriteLine("SystemThingC"); }
public virtual void Visit(IThing thing) { Console.WriteLine("sysvis:IThing"); }
/* in user code */
namespace VisitorPattern.User
using VisitorPattern.System;
class UserThingA : IThing
public void Accept(SystemVisitor visitor)
var userVisitor = visitor as UserVisitor;
if (userVisitor == null) throw new ArgumentException("visitor");
class UserThingB : IThing
public void Accept(SystemVisitor visitor)
var userVisitor = visitor as UserVisitor;
if (userVisitor == null) throw new ArgumentException("visitor");
class UserThingC : IThing
public void Accept(SystemVisitor visitor)
var userVisitor = visitor as UserVisitor;
if (userVisitor == null) throw new ArgumentException("visitor");
// ?????
class UserVisitor : SystemVisitor
public UserVisitor(object specialSystemServices, object specialUserServices) : base(specialSystemServices) { }
public void Visit(UserThingA thing) { Console.WriteLine("UserThingA"); }
public void Visit(UserThingB thing) { Console.WriteLine("UserThingB"); }
public void Visit(UserThingC thing) { Console.WriteLine("UserThingC"); }
public override void Visit(IThing thing) { Console.WriteLine("uservis:IThing"); }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var visitor = new UserVisitor("systemservice", "userservice");
List<IThing> mylist = new List<IThing> { new UserThingA(), new SystemThingB(), new SystemThingC(), new UserThingC() };
foreach (var thing in mylist)
No, it is not possible to mix the visitor pattern with visions of an extensible class hierarchy. They are mutually exclusive.