In this javascript code which calls the immersive reader SDK, the onExit fires as expected, but the onPreferencesChanged never fires. What am I missing here?
async function LaunchImmersiveReader(title) {
const data = {
title: title,
chunks: [{
content: title,
lang: 'en'
const token = await getImmersiveReaderTokenAsync();
const subdomain = await getImmersiveReaderSubdomainAsync();
const options = {
onPreferencesChanged: onPreferencesChangedCallback,
onExit: exitCallback
ImmersiveReader.launchAsync(token, subdomain, data, options);
function exitCallback() {
// this fires as I click the immersive reader exit/back button
function onPreferencesChangedCallback(value) {
// this never fires as I change font, size, etc.
What version of the SDK are you using? The preferences callback is part of 1.1.0
I did notice that a lot of our sample projects and documentation is using 1.0.0 still, which might be leading to the confusion