I use WebDriverIO and try to access and click 2nd li tag inside iframe like this;
HTML Image:
It's no iframe-id, li-id.
Now it works the following code
describe('research test', () => {
it ('click object in iframe test', () => {
But I want to change code of the following part
$$ ('[class = "inside-list-menu"]') [1] .click ();
$ ('[class = "inside-list-menu"]') [1] .click ();
but it failed.
I want to know
Why $ doesn't work?
Other way 2nd li tag is able to click start with $.
I'm using WebDriverIO version: 6. 14. 5 // Browser: Chrome // OS: Windows 10
There is a significant difference between $$ and $. To understand that better, please try to understand findElement and findElements from here.
In short, $$ returns an array of elements while $ returns first element that matches the selector.
Based on the return type of $$, you will select an element from array of elements using its index ( [1]
in your case). The return type of $ is an element and when you use index to select it, it is fundamentally wrong.