I have the code below in the dialogflow ("firebase-functions": "^ 3.7.0" and node: 10) DialogFlow index.js with issue Photos project in DialogFlow
I have four intents: Ligar, Desligar, Abrir e Fechar (all with fulfillment enabled)
I not have issue in deploy or in execution(logs cloud functions), but the only function that works is getLigar(). How to solve this?
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const {WebhookClient} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const db = admin.firestore();
process.env.DEBUG = 'dialogflow:debug'; // enables lib debugging statements
exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const agent = new WebhookClient({request, response});
function getLigar(agent) {
var gpioalarmstateb = agent.parameters;
return db.collection('xxxxx').doc('yyyyy').get()
.then(doc => {
const xalarmstate = doc.data().gpioalarmstate;
if (!xalarmstate) {
gpioalarmstate: true
agent.add(`Gpioalarmstate is ${gpioalarmstateb} xalarmstate is ${xalarmstate}.`);
function getDesligar(agent) {
var gpioalarmstateb = agent.parameters;
return db.collection('xxxxx').doc('yyyyy').get()
.then(doc => {
const xalarmstateD = doc.data().gpioalarmstate;
if (xalarmstateD) {
gpioalarmstate: false
agent.add(`Gpioalarmstate is ${gpioalarmstateb} xalarmstate is ${xalarmstateD}.`);
function getAbrirr(agent) {
var gpiogaragestateb = agent.parameters;
return db.collection('xxxxx').doc('yyyyy').get()
.then(doc => {
const xgaragestate = doc.data().gpiogaragestate;
if (!xgaragestate) {
gpiogaragestate: true
agent.add(`Gpiogaragestate is ${gpiogaragestateb} xgaragestate is ${xgaragestate}.`);
function getFechar(agent) {
var gpiogaragestateb = agent.parameters;
return db.collection('xxxxx').doc('yyyyy').get()
.then(doc => {
const xgaragestateF = doc.data().gpiogaragestate;
if (xgaragestateF) {
gpiogaragestate: false
agent.add(`Gpiogaragestate is ${gpiogaragestateb} xgaragestate is ${xgaragestateF}.`);
let intentMap = new Map();
intentMap.set('Ligar', getLigar);
intentMap.set('Desligar', getDesligar);
intentMap.set('Abrir', getAbrirr);
intentMap.set('Fechar', getFechar);
The answer was: I needed async before the 4 functions mentioned in the question and put await in the right place. Below I put an example that served for the first of the 4 functions:
async function getLigar(agent) {
return await db.collection('xxxxx').doc('yyyyy').get()