I'm trying to create an Angular + Fomantic-UI playground but I'm experiencing problem in importing Fomantic-UI into the Angular project.
Here is my StackBlitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-hcvmam
As you can see I do import jquery
, fomantic-ui-css
and their related typings and I'm trying to use one of the functionalities of Fomantic-UI (popup):
$('.bell.icon', this.el.nativeElement)['popup']({
popup: $('.ui.popup', this.el.nativeElement),
position: 'bottom right',
on: 'click'
<i class="large blue bell icon"></i>
<div class="ui popup">
<div class="ui middle aligned divided list">
<div class="item" *ngFor="let alert of alerts" [@expandCollapse]>
<div class="content">
<div class="header">
But it doesn't work: .popup is not a function
The same happens with other F-UI modules, such as modal
, transition
, dropdown
and so on.
Can you figure out what is missing to make it working? If you do you can also answer this.
It looks like there's a problem when using fomantic and jquery libraries on stackblitz. I'm not sure why they don't work, but by adding the CDN link in the index.html and using
declare var $: JQueryStatic;
instead of
import $ from 'jquery';
you can use jquery with fomantic's additions in your code.
I get some errors in your code when running it, but they are outside the scope of this question.