I have an issue would need your help. I would like to query select data from JsonArray by id.
id(int4)| data(jsonb) | category__id
"item": [
"id": 1,
"name": "hawai",
"size": {
"L": 0.5,
"M": 0.15,
"S": 0.25
"price": 10,
"rating": 10,
"id": 2,
"name": "koka kola",
"size": {
"L": 0.15,
"M": 0.25,
"S": 0.35
"price": 20,
"rating": 100
select * from product where data->'item'->>'id'=1
but query result show all record which consists on field "data" it doesn't match what I prefer. I want only data where id=1
This can be done using jsonb_path_query_array()
select id, jsonb_path_query_array(data, '$.item[*] ? (@.id == 1)'), category_id
from product;
This isn't exactly what your picture shows though: it will not include the "item"
[{"id": 1, "name": "hawai", "size": {"L": 0.5, "M": 0.15, "S": 0.25}, "price": 10, "rating": 10}]