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Oracle UTL_FILE exceptions alternatives in Postgres

I'm migrating an Oracle stored procedure to AWS Aurora Postgres which has UTL_FILE operations to read and write in external files. In the Exception part, I have all these exception types used. UTL_FILE.invalid_path, UTL_FILE.invalid_operation, UTL_FILE.invalid_mode, UTL_FILE.read_error, UTL_FILE.write_error, and WHEN OTHERS.

Is it possible to handle all these exceptions in Postgres or should I go for orafce extension?


  • What I know, The AWS Aurora Postgres uses Orafce too

    Postgres has not custom named exceptions like Oracle, so you have to rewrite your code little bit, you have to check error message instead - for example - Oracle's UTL_FILE.write_error is a Postgres's RAISE exception (named raise_exception - P0001) with error message (available in SQLERRM variable or via GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS) is "UTL_FILE_WRITE_ERROR".