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How to perform Two-proportion Z test on items in a row of a dataframe and append the p value to the dataframe?

I am using R, and have data in a dataframe.

Each row of the dataframe has data on an urban/rural basis, and a two proportion Z-Test to compare the rates between urban and rural populations.


State     UrbanPop     RuralPop     UrbanCases   RuralCases
AL         1000         250          200          50
AK         500          50           500          75

The idea is to get a Two proportion Z test from the data in row A and from row B independently to compare urban/rural within each State.

What I have tried is

df$P_Values <- apply(df,1,function(x) prop.test(x = c(df$UrbanPop, df$UrbanCases), n = c(df$RuralPop, df$RuralCases))$p.value)

I get a warning that the "Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect" for each row, and all the p values appended to the dataframe are equal to zero.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • You got xand n wrong: x is "a vector of counts of successes"; that would match your *Cases, whereas n is the number of trials; that would correspond to your *Pop. If you re-assign the vectors for x and n, the code works:

    df$P_Values <- apply(df, 1, function(x) prop.test(n = c(df$UrbanPop, df$UrbanCases), 
                                                      x = c(df$RuralPop, df$RuralCases))$p.value)
      UrbanPop RuralPop UrbanCases RuralCases             P_Values
    1     1000      250        200         50 0.000000000001119084
    2      500       50        500         75 0.000000000001119084