I would like to cache mustache
I know that I could include mustache
templates directly, like this:
<script id="mustache-template" type="text/html">
And call those with javascript, like this:
var html, template, data;
data = {
title : "Some title"
template = document.getElementById('mustache-template').innerHTML;
html = Mustache.to_html(template, data);
This won't cache templates. Only way I could figure out is usage of link -tags, but how do I call template content via javascript
without an ajax
This won't work (of course)...
<link type="text/html" href="/mustache/template.tpl" id="mustache-template" />
This question is very interesting! I had the same problem several months ago when I started to use mustache for 'huge' front-end templating within a rails project.
I ended up with the following solution...
Mustache templates are inside a public folder :
Whenever I need a template I have this helper getTemplate that does some stuff (there's some mootools, but there are comments too):
// namespace.templatesCache is an object ( {} ) defined inside the main app js file
needXHR = false, // for callback function
templateHTML = ""; //template html
if(!(templateHTML = namespace.templatesCache[template_name])){ //if template is not cached
templateHTML = (this.helpers.supportLocalStorage) ? localStorage.getItem(template_name) : ""; //if browser supports local storage, check if I can retrieve it
if(templateHTML === "" || templateHTML === null){ // if I don't have a template (usually, first time), retrieve it by ajax
needXHR = true;
new Request.HTML({ //or jQuery's $.get( url /*, etc */ )
url: namespace.URLS.BASE+"templates/_"+template_name+".tpl", // url of the template file
onSuccess : function(t, e, html, js){
namespace.templatesCache[template_name] = html; //cache it
if(_this.helpers.supportLocalStorage){ //and store it inside local storage, if available
//call callback
}else{ //retrieved by localStorage, let's cache it
namespace.templatesCache[template_name] = templateHTML;
if(!needXHR){ // I retrieved template by cache/localstorage, not by Ajax
//call callback
and I call this helper in this way :
namespace.helpers.getTemplate('template_name', function( templateHTML ){
// the callback function
You can notice that first time user needs the template, there's an asynch request (you could make a sync request if u don't want to wrap some other code inside the callback)
I hope it could help and I'd love to receive feedbacks/suggestions concerning this stuff :)