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In class assign operator with std::unique_ptr,

I am having a problem with the operator= in my BitMap class. I was having some memory leaks so I decided to change from a raw pointer to a std::unique_ptr. When I did that, I noticed that whenever I use my BitMap assignment operator, I get an error:

function "sp::BitMap::BitMap(const sp::BitMap &)" (declared implicitly) cannot be referenced -- it is a deleted function

.h file

#include "color.h"
#include "spmath.h"
#include <memory>

namespace sp
//Bitmap: saves pixel position in the image
class BitMap
    BitMap(const vector2i& pos, const vector2i& size);
    ~BitMap() {  }

    BitMap& operator=(BitMap bm);

    void marge(BitMap& bm);
    void marge(BitMap* bm, int obj_count);
    void calculateNewRect(const BitMap& bm, sp::vector2i* pos, sp::vector2i* size);
    void calculateNewRect(const BitMap* bm, int obj_count, sp::vector2i* pos, sp::vector2i* size);
    void margeToBitMap(BitMap& target, BitMap& bm);

    //bool* m_pixelMap;
    std::unique_ptr<bool[]> m_pixelMap;
    vector2i m_startPos;
    vector2i m_size;

.cpp file

sp::BitMap& sp::BitMap::operator=(BitMap bm)
    //if(this->m_pixelMap != nullptr)
    //    this->clear();                                //Delete last pixel_map
    this->m_startPos = bm.m_startPos;                   //Copy position
    this->m_size = bm.m_size;                           //Copy size
    this->m_pixelMap.reset(bm.m_pixelMap.release());   //Copy ptr to pixel_map
    //bm.m_pixelMap = nullptr;                           //Delete pointer to pixel map
    return *this;

void sp::BitMap::marge(BitMap& bm)  //Margeing to one object
    //Calcuating new bitmap size
    vector2i new_pos = this->m_startPos;
    vector2i new_sum_size = this->m_size + new_pos;
    calculateNewRect(bm, &new_pos, &new_sum_size);

    vector2i new_size = new_sum_size - new_pos;
    BitMap marged(new_pos, new_size);
    margeToBitMap(marged, *this);
    margeToBitMap(marged, bm);
    *this = marged; //ERROR


  • You take the parameter of operator= by value, so this requires marged be copied into the argument as written. However, the implicit copy constructor is ill-formed since m_pixelMap cannot be copied.

    Instead, consider move-assigning since the local is going to be destroyed anyway:

    *this = std::move(marged);

    This move-constructs the argument. The implicit move constructor is well-formed (assuming vector2i is movable).

    As an alternative approach, consider replacing one or more of the data members with an std::vector<std::byte>. This will make copying, moving, and destruction all automatic.

    If bit-packing of the flags is acceptable in your case (it's hard to tell since we don't see m_pixelMap actually used anywhere) then you can use the specialization std::vector<bool>.