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Overload tuple indexing operator - C++

How can I overload indexing [] operator for std::tuple<int,int,int>? So when I have std::tuple<int,int,int> tup and I type tup[0] I want it to return the reference to get<0>(tup). Is this possible?


  • As mentioned in other answers - it is not possible to add any member function to std type like std::tuple. And operator[] has to be non-static member function.

    But you can wrap this tuple - and add operator[] to this wrapper type. In such case - you would need to know the common return type for all elements of tuple. Well - there is std::any which can work for most of types.

    This should work, but this is only to meet your curiosity - it would be bad design to use something like that in real software:

    template <typename Tuple, typename ReturnType = std::any>
    class TupleExtractor
        TupleExtractor(const Tuple& tuple) 
            : TupleExtractor(tuple, std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size_v<Tuple>>{})
        ReturnType operator[](std::size_t index) const
            return extractors[index](tuple);
        template <std::size_t I>
        static ReturnType get(const Tuple& tuple)
            return std::get<I>(tuple);
        template <std::size_t ...I>
        TupleExtractor(const Tuple& tuple, std::index_sequence<I...>) 
            : tuple(tuple), 
        const Tuple& tuple;
        using Extractor = ReturnType(*)(const Tuple&);
        std::vector<Extractor> extractors;

    and test - that it works:

    int main() {
        std::tuple<int, int, int> a{1,2,3};
        TupleExtractor e{a};
        return std::any_cast<int>(e[2]);