I'm trying to update my state (an array of objects), but get the above error whenever I try to use .map or edit a clone of the state object.
React.useEffect(() => {
setUserMeasurements((oldUserMeasurements) => {
return oldUserMeasurements.map(nameAndMeasure => {
if (nameAndMeasure.name === name) { nameAndMeasure.measure = 60 }
return nameAndMeasure;
It doesn't seem to like it when I try the "nameAndMeasure.measure = 60" section of code, but I can't understand why. Can anyone explain?
I found that I could use this function to do what I was trying to get .map to do:
function replaceItemAtIndex(arr, index, newValue) { return [...arr.slice(0, index), newValue, ...arr.slice(index + 1)]; }
The .slice methods seem to create a new array, which satisfies javascript in a way that .map doesn't.