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In Angularjs to assign ng-model for dynamically and read the values in Controller function

I am trying to create a new rectangle when the user clicks add button. This rectangle would also have an input field and select for these fields I am trying to assign the ng-model dynamically and read the corresponding values in the controller.


<button id="AddNewField" ng-click="AddNewField();" class="btn btn-success"> Add New </button>
<div ng-repeat="(key,value) in NewFieldValues">
    {{ value.ID }}
    <div style="width:250px;height:100px;border:1px solid #000;" draggable="true">
        <select ng-model="BusinessStep[value.ID]" ng-change="BusinessStepChange(value.ID)" class="form-control">
            <option ng-repeat="businessStep in businessSteps" value="{{ businessStep.value }}"> {{ businessStep.text }} </option>
        <input type="text" ng-model="Events[value.ID]"></input>

Angularjs: $scope.NewFieldValues = [];

$scope.FieldID          =   0;

$scope.AddNewField  =   function(){
    item            =   {};
    item["ID"]      =   $scope.FieldID;
    item["Fields"]  =   [];

$scope.BusinessStepChange   =   function(BusinessStepID){
    for(var bs=0; bs<$scope.NewFieldValues.length; bs++)
        if($scope.NewFieldValues[bs].ID ==  BusinessStepID)
            $scope.NewFieldValues[bs]['Fields'].BusinessStep    =   "Hello"; //Read the value from corresponding select field

How can I assign the ng-model field dynamically for each field in the rectangle and also how can I read them in the controller function


  • <button id="AddNewField" ng-click="AddNewField();" class="btn btn-success"> Add New </button>
    <div ng-repeat="NewField in NewFieldValues">
        <div style="width:250px;height:100px;border:1px solid #000;" draggable="true">
            <select ng-model="Dynamic.BusinessStep[NewField.ID]" ng-change="BusinessStepChange(NewField.ID,'BusinessStep')" class="form-control">
                <option ng-repeat="businessStep in businessSteps" value="{{ businessStep.value }}"> {{ businessStep.text }} </option>
            <input type="text" ng-model="Dynamic.ObjectCount[NewField.ID]" ng-blur="BusinessStepChange(NewField.ID,'EventCount')"></input>
    $scope.NewFieldValues       =   [];
    $scope.FieldID              =   0;
    $scope.Dynamic              =   {};
    $scope.AddNewField  =   function(){
        item            =   {};
        item["ID"]      =   $scope.FieldID;
        item["Fields"]  =   [];
    $scope.BusinessStepChange   =   function(BusinessStepID, Type){
        for(var bs=0; bs<$scope.NewFieldValues.length; bs++)
            if($scope.NewFieldValues[bs].ID ==  BusinessStepID)
                if(Type ==  'BusinessStep')
                    $scope.NewFieldValues[bs]['Fields'].BusinessStep    =   $scope.Dynamic.BusinessStep[BusinessStepID];
                else if(Type    ==  'EventCount')
                    $scope.NewFieldValues[bs]['Fields'].NumberofElement =   $scope.Dynamic.ObjectCount[BusinessStepID];