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How do I implement this "counter" on a Hash Table in JavaScript?

I'm creating this Hash Table in JavaScript and I want it warn me each time I'm adding existing values in the array. I tried my own implementation, but it isn't working.

function hashFunction(s,tableSize){
    let hash = 17;

    for(let i = 0; i<s.length; i++){
        hash = (13*hash * s.charCodeAt(i)) % tableSize;

    return hash; 

class HashTable {

    table = new Array(2000);
    numItems  = 0;
    loadFactor = this.numItems/this.table.length;

    setItem = (key,value)=>{
        const idx = hashFunction(key, this.table.length);
            return "already exists"
        }else this.numItems++
        }else this.table[idx]=[[key,value]];


    getItem = (key)=>{
        const idx = hashFunction(key,this.table.length);
            return "Key doesn't exist";
         return this.table[idx].find(x=>x[0]===key)[1];

let myHash = new HashTable



  • It would be beneficial to review implementing pseudo code and existing implementations. There were numerous errors which can summarized as the original implementation failing to correctly handle pairs within a bucket.

    Here is a working update which salvages some of the structure while discarding most of the inconsistent and/or incorrect implementation - I've left comments as reference points to understand why the original was incorrect. The code has been structured to illustrate access/creation of buckets, access/creation of pairs within the buckets, and behavior selection depending on the case.


    function hashFunction(s, tableSize){
        let hash = 17;
        for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
            hash = (13 * hash + s.charCodeAt(i)) % tableSize;
            //                ^-- Ry suggests the original * is a typo.
        return hash; 
    class HashTable {
      // I've eliminated 'load factor' to cover a basic implementation.
      // See rebalancing, good table size selection, alternative collision
      // resolution strategies, etc.
      // This implementation might pass a CS101 course.
      // This ensures that there are multiple items per bucket
      // which guarantees the collision resolution paths are invoked.
      // This is a terrible choice in practice.
      table = new Array(2);
      numItems = 0;
      setItem = (key, value)=>{
        const idx = hashFunction(key, this.table.length);
        // set/get should ONLY access simple properties or
        // a BUCKET from the hash code as top-level structures.
        // (Using table.includes(..) here is fundamentally INCORRECT.)
        let bucket = this.table[idx];
        if (bucket) {
          // Existing bucket. Search in HERE to see if the key exists.
          // This should generally be the same code as the "get".
          let pair = bucket.find(x => x[0] === key);
          if (pair) {
            // Same pair, update value.
            pair[1] = value;
            return false; // "existing"
          } else {
            // Add new pair to bucket.
            bucket.push([key, value]);
            this.numItems += 1;
            return true; // "new"
        } else {
          // Create a new bucket and item pair.
          this.table[idx] = [[key, value]];
          this.numItems += 1;
          return true; // "new"
      getItem = (key) =>{
        const idx = hashFunction(key, this.table.length);
        // Code should match close to 'set'
        let bucket = this.table[idx];
        if (bucket) {
          let pair = bucket.find(x => x[0] === key);
          if (pair) {
            // Bucket exists and key exists within bucket.
            return pair[1];
        // The result should be the same if the key doesn't exist because
        // bucket is not found, or if the bucket is found and the
        // key does not exist within the bucket..
        return undefined;
    let myHash = new HashTable
    var items = [
      ["first", "daniel"],
      ["last", "esposito"],
      ["age", 21],
      ["height", 1.9]
    // Insert multiple values:
    // Check to see inserted report true/not,
    // and that the numItems is increased appropriately.
    for (let run of [1, 2]) {
      for (let i of items) {
       let [k, v] = i;
       var inserted = myHash.setItem(k, v);
       var found = myHash.getItem(k) === v;
       console.log(`run=${run} key=${k} value=${v} inserted=${inserted} numItems=${myHash.numItems} found=${found}` )


    run=1 key=first value=daniel inserted=true numItems=1 found=true
    run=1 key=last value=esposito inserted=true numItems=2 found=true
    run=1 key=age value=21 inserted=true numItems=3 found=true
    run=1 key=height value=1.9 inserted=true numItems=4 found=true
    run=2 key=first value=daniel inserted=false numItems=4 found=true
    run=2 key=last value=esposito inserted=false numItems=4 found=true
    run=2 key=age value=21 inserted=false numItems=4 found=true
    run=2 key=height value=1.9 inserted=false numItems=4 found=true