I am using react-chartjs-2 to build a grouped bar chart. My case is to add a click event on the graph and identify the corresponding clicked element.
Consider the following example: If I click on the green bar on date 15-07-2020, I should be able to identify that the user clicked on the green bar of the clicked date.
But in the present scenario, I am able to only get the group of bars the user just clicked. I am getting the click for all the bars on the particular date (Means event for Orange, green and red bars on date 15-07-2020).
My case is to identify which bar the user clicked and I don't want the group as a whole.
This is what my component looks like
onElementsClick={(elem) => {
data = barData.datasets[elem[0]._datasetIndex].data;
//Cases will be (data[elem[0]._index]);
data = barData.datasets[elem[1]._datasetIndex].data;
//Recovered will be (data[elem[1]._index]);
data = barData.datasets[elem[2]._datasetIndex].data;
//Deaths will be (data[elem[2]._index]);
And the variable barData is as follows:
const barData = {
labels: [
datasets: [
label: "Cases",
borderWidth: 1,
backgroundColor: "#ffc299",
borderColor: "#cc5200",
hoverBackgroundColor: "#ed873e",
hoverBorderColor: "#e35f00",
data: [673165, 697413, 719664, 742417, 767296, 793802, 820916],
label: "Recovered",
borderWidth: 1,
backgroundColor: "#b3ffb3",
borderColor: "#00ff00",
hoverBackgroundColor: "#55cf72",
hoverBorderColor: "#2c9c46",
data: [409083, 424433, 439934, 456831, 476378, 495513, 515386],
label: "Deaths",
borderWidth: 1,
backgroundColor: "#de8078",
borderColor: "#fa6457",
hoverBackgroundColor: "#d73627",
hoverBorderColor: "#ff4636",
data: [19268, 19693, 20159, 20642, 21129, 21604, 22123],
If react-chartjs-2 does not handle the case, can anyone suggest any other chart library where I can get this done?
Any help is highly appreciated.
Instead of using an onElementsClick
function, you could define an onClick
function inside the chart options.
onClick: (event, elements) => {
const chart = elements[0]._chart;
const element = chart.getElementAtEvent(event)[0];
const dataset = chart.data.datasets[element._datasetIndex];
const xLabel = chart.data.labels[element._index];
const value = dataset.data[element._index];
console.log(dataset.label + " at " + xLabel + ": " + value);
Please have a look at your amended code in the following StackBlitz.