I'm using Hibernate Validator. I have a Class level annotation. It compares three properties for equality. When the validation is performed I need to get the PropertyPaths from the javax.validation.ConstraintViolation object returned. Since it's not a single field the getPropertyPath() method returns null. Is there another way to find the PropertyPaths?
This is my annotation implementation -
@MatchField(firstField = "firstAnswer", secondField = "secondAnswer", thirdField = "thirdAnswer"),
You need to set the messages to map to the properties that you want rejected when you do the validation. Hibernate Validator has no way to auto-magically figure out that custom annotation properties are property paths.
public class MatchFieldValidator implements ConstraintValidator<MatchField, Object> {
private MatchField matchField;
public void initialize(MatchField matchField) {
this.matchField = matchField;
public boolean isValid(Object obj, ConstraintValidatorContext cvc) {
//do whatever you do
if (validationFails) {
cvc.buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate("YOUR FIRST ANSWER INPUT IS WRONG!!!").
cvc.buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate("YOUR SECOND ANSWER INPUT IS WRONG!!!").
//you get the idea
return false;