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Parse the contents of a Coldfusion variable into separate variables

OK, so I've been banging my head against this one for a while and getting nowhere. I've been attempting to take the contents of a variable and parse the contained string into parts that would then be ingested into 5 separate variables. Seems simple enough right? Well, it has not proven to be simple at all, at least for me.

So I have a variable (PageContent) that contains the trimmed content from a CFHTTP request. The PageContent variable now contains:

<tdnowrapalign=right>07/18/2020 13:00</td>

It seems like there should be an easy way to write a loop that would loop over the tags in the "PageContent" variable assigning the content of each tag to a different variable. But every way I try to parse the data in the variable I either get an error (Complex object types cannot be converted to simple values.) or I end up with the content that I originally had in the "PageContent" variable repeated within the loop.

For instance, if I had a loop that would run through 5 iterations and could grab the contents of the tags assigning each to a variable then the desired result would be:

DateTime = "07/18/2020 13:00"
Elevation = "1002.12"
Storage = "2,874,887"
Outflow = "12,766"
Inflow = "13,038"

After trying every example I could find here and elsewhere online I'm now on something like my 100th attempt. Now I'm trying to use regular expressions to grab the contents of the tags and assign them to variables but no luck there. What I ended up with was the entire contents of the PageContent variable being stuffed into each one of the variables. The result was not really unexpected since I don't know of a way to differentiate between the 3 identical "tdalign" tags, but still it seems like at least the first variable would have worked since the tag was different "tdnowrapalign".

<cfset i=5/>
<cfloop index = "LoopCount" from = "1" to = #i#> 
    <cfif i EQ 1>
        <cfset dataDateTime = Replace(PageContent, "<[tdnowrapalign][^>]*>(.+?)</[td]>","","ALL")>
    <cfelseif i EQ 2>
        <cfset elevation = Replace(PageContent, "<[tdalign][^>]*>(.+?)</[td]>","","ALL")>
    <cfelseif i EQ 3>
        <cfset storage = Replace(PageContent, "<[tdalign][^>]*>(.+?)</[td]>","","ALL")>
    <cfelseif i EQ 4>
        <cfset outflow = Replace(PageContent, "<[tdalign][^>]*>(.+?)</[td]>","","ALL")>
    <cfelseif i EQ 5>
        <cfset inflow = Replace(PageContent, "<[tdalign][^>]*>(.+?)</[td]>","","ALL")>

    <cfif isdefined("dataDateTime")>
        dataDateTime = #dataDateTime#<br>
    <cfif isdefined("elevation")>
        elevation = #elevation#<br>
    <cfif isdefined("storage")>
        storage = #storage#<br>
    <cfif isdefined("outflow")>
        outflow = #outflow#<br>
    <cfif isdefined("inflow")>
        inflow = #inflow#<br>   

    <cfset i = i - 1> 


Does anyone know if there is a way to get to the desired outcome I described where I end up with 5 variables containing the contents of the tags contained within the "PageContent" variable?


  • One way of doing it would be like this

    <cfset PageContent = '<tdnowrapalign=right>07/18/2020 13:00</td>
    <tdalign=right>13,038</td>' />
    <cfset data = ListToArray(PageContent, '</td>', false, true) />
    <cfset DateTime = ListLast(data[1], '>') />
    <cfset Elevation = ListLast(data[2], '>') />
    <cfset Storage = ListLast(data[3], '>') />
    <cfset Outflow = ListLast(data[4], '>') />
    <cfset Inflow = ListLast(data[5], '>') />
