Hi I'm trying to create a small workout app. The app displays an exercise and a counter. I want to make the count reach the specified number (20), then have the loop move onto and display the next exercise in the array and reset the count back to 0. I'd like it to repeat this until all the exercises in the array have been displayed.
I would also really appreciate someone telling me where this went wrong.
link : https://codepen.io/jtog95/pen/zYrMpPB
var increasing = true;
var excercises = document.getElementById('exercises');
var counter = document.getElementById('counter');
var count = 0;
var specifiedNum = 20;
var exerciseList = ['Push-ups', 'Pulls-ups', 'Squats', 'Curls'];
var fnLoop = setInterval(exerciseLoop, 20000);
function exerciseLoop(){
for(var i = 0; i < exerciseList.length; i++){
exerciseList[i] = excercises.innerHTML;
increasing === true ? count++ : count = 0;
count = counter.innerHTML;
if(count === specifiedNum) {
count = 0;
exerciseList[i] += 1;
<div class="counter-container">
<div id= 'counter' class="counter">0</div>
<div class="exercisecontainer">
<div class="currentexercise">Current Exercise: </div>
<div id= 'exercises' class="exercises">Push-Ups</div>
<div class="buttoncontainer">
<button id='start' class='start button'>Start</button>
<button id='stop' class='stop button'>Stop</button>
Added click handlers to HTML, in addition to iterating over exercises. Also added disabling/enabling of start button on appropriate events.
var excercises = document.getElementById("exercises");
var counter = document.getElementById("counter");
var startBtn = document.getElementById("start");
var count = 0;
var timeLimit = 20;
var exerciseList = ["Push-Ups", "Pulls-Ups", "Squats", "Curls"];
var exerciseIdx = 0;
function exerciseLoop() {
startBtn.disabled = true;
function iterateTimeAndExercise() {
exercises.innerHTML = exerciseList[exerciseIdx];
currInt = setInterval(updateTimeAndExercise, 1000);
function updateTimeAndExercise() {
if (count === timeLimit) {
count = 0;
if (exerciseIdx === exerciseList.length) {
exerciseIdx = 0;
counter.innerHTML = count;
exercises.innerHTML = exerciseList[exerciseIdx];
startBtn.disabled = false;
} else {
counter.innerHTML = count;
function stop() {
startBtn.disabled = false;
<main class="main">
<div class="counter-container">
<div id= 'counter' class="counter">0</div>
<div class="exercisecontainer">
<div class="currentexercise">Current Exercise: </div>
<div id= 'exercises' class="exercises">Push-Ups</div>
<button onClick="exerciseLoop()" id='start' class='start button'>Start</button>
<button id='stop' class='stop button' onClick="stop()">Stop</button>
<script src="./script.js"></script>