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Tools to easily swap terraform versions

I found the tools tfenv and tfswitch to easily and quickly change the terraform and terragrunt version - and I guess the tools work cause people use it, but for some reason they don't chagne the versions on my computer, after I run let's say

$ tfswitch 0.12.25
Downloading to
Downloading ...
18220765 bytes downloaded.
Switched terraform to version "0.12.25"

It seems I correctly switch to version 0.12.25, but after checking it with terraform it didin't change

$ terraform --version
Terraform v0.12.18
+ v3.29.0
+ provider.random v2.3.0

Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version
is 0.12.28. You can update by downloading from

same goes for tfenv tool, anyone met with that problem ? I tried running it with sudo as well, but without success - I see the binaries are being downloaded to config dir of those tools and I even add them to PATH, but they don't overwrite the main terraform or terragrunt binaries that's why I'm left with the old versions, any thoughts ?


  • I had the same problem in the past, I solved it by removing the reference of Terraform from .bash_profile or .zshrc for zsh.