I have a string Hello <span style="color: rgb(241, 18, 45); background-color: rgb(173, 250, 9);">Reac<span style="font-weight: bold;">t</span></span>
I want to remove the color property and its value leaving all the other styles as it is when i pass color. (from all the span)
If I pass font-weight it must remove all the font-weight and its value.
For example: Lets say when I pass "color", output of the above string must be:
Hello <span style="background-color: rgb(173, 250, 9);">Reac<span style="font-weight: bold;">t</span></span>
I tried using :
html = myString.replace(new RegExp(`\\s*${props}\\s*:[^;]*[;"]`, "ig"), "");
where, props is style property i want to remove. Example "color"
Problem in the above code is it remove the color from the background-color as well.
Although you could get a long way with regular expressions, it is better practice to rely on a proven HTML parser. And the Web API has one: DOMParser
function removeCSS(s, cssProp) {
let doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(s, "text/html");
for (let elem of doc.querySelectorAll("*")) elem.style.removeProperty(cssProp);
return doc.body.innerHTML;
let s = `Hello <span style="color: rgb(241, 18, 45); background-color: rgb(173, 250, 9);">Reac<span style="font-weight: bold;">t</span></span>`;
let result = removeCSS(s, "color");